Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back to the Daily Grind

Well, Monkey and June Bug have been on their antibiotics for several days. Hopefully they are on their way to getting rid of the yucky strep. They went back to day care today and had a good day.
It was nice for me to feel wanted today during my planning period. I was wanted by my students to be in our club picture; I was wanted by my husband to help him on his college project; and I was wanted by another group of students to assist on a class project for the school tv show. Minor but nice all the same.
Until next time...

Friday, January 21, 2011

Frustrations and anxiety with betraying eyes

Doctor offices need to have good front office staff. They can really make you or break you. Well today, the office staff in my children's pediatrician office really screwed the pediatrician. They allowed me to bring Monkey in to be checked for strep but then said oh you have a balance on your account. You have to pay a minimum of $50 or we can't see him. WTH!! I was just in there for over two hours with June Bug and she has strep and double ear infections and it's 99.9% certain that he has strep as well and you can't test him  because I owe you money. Well I lost my professional cool and when I am mad or upset, my eyes betray me. I cry when I get the littlest bit upset or mad. It sucks having betraying eyes.
So anyway, I finally had to put it on my credit card, which I hate using so that he could get tested. He does have strep and we got a prescription for an antiobiotic. Well, duh! You should have checked him yesterday. If the doctor offices have a certain way they figure out wait time and appointments, it is beyond my understanding. So now, I have completely maxed out the credit card and have no way to buy any food for the next week if we need it. Being middle class is the new poor/low class. You make only enough to get by from week to week.
I am under a debate with myself if I will ever open up this blog to my family and friends. I don't want to drag anyone else down with my negativity. I have to work on that...

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Well this is my virgin posting on my first blog. Interesting. I've always seen and read blogs by other, so I thought, "What the heck. I want to give this a try." So here I am. I want this to be a place that I post my random thoughts, my whining, my musing, my rants, and my silly stories. I know that I am an individual but so much of who I am and what I do in my life is determined by my children.
 "Bean" is my 11-year-old stepson. He's mine but on loan. He came to me ready made at almost 5 when I married his daddy. I love him as my own but yet it is a daily struggle to have a similar affectionate relationship with him that I have with my own blood child. He is in 6th grade now and we are all adjusting to the pre-teen middle school world.
"Monkey" is my 3 1/2 year old son. He is my pride and joy. I love getting to hang out with him and am constantly suprised at what his little mind comes up with. He is so much fun to talk to but he can be the biggest defiant brat at the same time. I don't know what I would do without him.
"June Bug" is my 7 month old baby girl. She is so different from her brothers. In some ways, she is a mini-me but in others she is a total stranger. It's been a challenge having another baby in the house but I am so blessed to have her as my own.
A little about me: I am 30 years old and have lived in 3 counties in GA in my entire life; where I grew up, where I went to college, and now where I live with my first grown-up job after college. I am a teacher and have been at the same school for nine years now. I'm in a comfortable spot in my career but the state of GA and my school board seemed determined to shake me out of it. Change is hard. Especially when one likes to sleep and doesn't have enough time.
I met my husband of six years at our church in the Singles Sunday School class. What an amazing way to meet the man of my dreams and love of my life. We are a lot alike and we have our differences but I would be utterly lost without him.
I long to be a better person, wife, mother, teacher, daughter, sister, and friend. Welcome to my journey...